Product reviews for Thrive

Dr Simon Thompson, Head of Education, University of Sussex, Higher Education Academy 2016 National Teaching Fellow
Refreshingly, Thrive is not a book on how to be -˜outstanding', nor on how to -˜survive' as a beginning teacher. Instead it gives us something we all need, and will benefit from - inspiration and practical advice from teachers who are just ahead of us in their careers, who can recall the challenges we face and who are willing to share their recent experiences and successful strategies.

Indeed, the book not only shows us how to get better at teaching but, just as importantly, illustrates how we can enjoy and thrive during the journey too. The authors take the first three years of developing as a teacher and emphasise the different, complex and fundamental ways in which professional learning happens - from initial teacher training, through the NQT year, to emergence as a recently qualified professional. There are useful sections covering: making the most of professional relationships with mentors, school leaders and other colleagues; practical strategies for planning, assessment, differentiation and managing time; researching teaching and learning; and navigating pathways in professional development and early leadership.

Throughout Thrive, Martha, Emily and Ben ensure that readers benefit from the perspectives of established school-based and university professionals alongside their own authentic, evidence-informed and practice-enriched voices. If I were a new teacher at the beginning of my career I'd welcome the opportunity to listen to them, learn from their experiences and, hopefully, thrive.
Guest | 24/04/2018 01:00
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