Product reviews for Imperfect Leadership

Geoff Barton, General Secretary, Association of School and College Leaders

It's rare to come across a book as wise about leadership as this one. Beginning with the title itself, this is no sentimental, misty-eyed account of a hero leader; instead, it's about authentic, resilient leadership that acknowledges our own imperfections, recognises the anxieties that gnaw away at all true leaders, and goes on to inspire others to give their best.

With an extraordinary mix of personal insights and his insider's knowledge of recent education policy - plus a range of perspectives from various international experts - Steve Munby deepens our thinking, nudges us to be more ambitious in our aspirations, and inspires us to understand and then enact all that great leadership can achieve.

Imperfect Leadership is a book of breathtaking wisdom. I can't recommend it highly enough.

Guest | 08/05/2019 01:00
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