Product reviews for From Able to Remarkable

John Morris, Director, JTM Educational Consultant
Robert Massey has tackled in a pragmatic, easily read text, a key issue facing many teachers at all levels, of how to make a significant difference to the performance levels of all learners. Within an excellently structured text the author produces an easily read dialogue based on a wide range of practice and research literature which focuses on strategies and systems that work in making access to the top possible for all by unlocking the latent potential of every pupil by setting the bar high to transform “able to remarkable”.

Teachers and support workers will find the sections on promoting the ideal lesson, activities to stretch and challenge,feedback and self review, promoting collaborative working and teamwork, questioning, and riding the roller coaster of revision all extremely stimulating and thought provoking to build on current effective practice in the efforts to guide learners on their journey from able to remarkable.

From extensive personal experience of teaching students who have been labelled as “failures”, “written off”, off loaded to off site centres, etc, I found the discussion on “labels stick with us”, “how to expose pupils to appropriate challenging classrooms” and “smash the setting” extremely relevant to the current push to reduce the number of learners being excluded from mainstream schools or being placed on alternative courses

Overall, I found this book an excellent insight into key issues facing staff in many school. Teachers at all levels will find the text full of practical strategies to regenerate aspirations, move learners from “I can't” to “I'll have a go”, and re-kindle the love of learning and desire to gain success as a positive person
Guest | 25/10/2019 01:00
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