Product reviews for The Little Book of Dyslexia

Colin hill, UKEd Chat,
The focus of the UKEdChat Book Reviews currently are on aides which support teachers, leaders, SENCOs, teaching assistants, students, and parents on the diversity of all individuals in schools.

One group of pupils who have a particular challenge in their education are those labelled as living with dyslexia and, for educators, understanding how these challenges can inhibit learning is essential in ensuring that access to knowledge is crucial. From the perspective of someone who does not live with the challenges of dyslexia, it is difficult to understand these trials, so to read through a book written by a teacher who has been labelled with the circumstance can help to understand life from this angle.

Joe Beech, the teacher-author of “The Little Book of Dyslexia” (supported by charming illustrations from his Grandma Rose), has concisely shared his experiences of being a child growing up with the challenges of dyslexia and how he suggests that teaching colleagues understand and subtly change their practice to ensure all pupils in their setting are well catered for. The focus within the book looks at Assessment; Classroom practice; and Behaviours, focusing individually on all stages of schooling. Further consideration is given to the implementation and support which technology offers; dealing with assessments and exams; access to higher education; and finishing with tips for fellow dyslexics in considering the teaching profession. The book concludes with a celebration of individuals who have succeeded in life although showing signs of dyslexia, proving how difficulties can be overcome.

This is an interesting book, in similar vein to lens metaphor of previous reviews, in that it is helpful to see the challenge of dyslexia through the eyes of someone who lives with it each day, which in turn helps teachers appreciate and adapt their teaching to support pupils with similar challenges in their settings.
Guest | 21/02/2014 00:00
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