Product reviews for Sorting out Behaviour

Kirsty Mckinnon, Teacher in Oxfordshire
There is very little in here that the good Head Teacher doesn't already know. But what most also know is that it can be easy to forget the simplest things, or to be harried by circumstances into letting them slip. Offering a pertinent reminder of the wisdom of 'firm and fair', this short and concise little gem reminds us quickly and effectively of the key features of effective behaviour management, from how to implement a whole school strategy effectively, to remembering not to buy Cadbury's Chocolate Fingers for parent meetings. The advice here is slick, decisive and well worth reading for any head teacher who believes that there is 'an army of fabulous young people just waiting to define their school' and wants to give them the chance to do so.
Guest | 16/07/2013 01:00
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