Product reviews for Brave Heads

Paula Anderson, Potential Unleashed web site
For any new Head or for those considering Headship this is one to read as it is written by a Principal with thirty years plus of experience who has clear insight into the challenges faced by a Head in an ever changing educational environment. The useful tips at the end of every chapter serve to be practical and are summarised at the end of the book too. The content throughout focuses on what is really important in building a school community and allows the reader to examine their own situation.

There is good use of analogies to explain a point in an interesting way, encouraging the reader to remember the point being made. Dave Harris explains how common sense should prevail when he sets up his five essential school rules, how bravery is -˜keeping your eyes on the marathon whilst you are performing the sprint' and not of course forgetting the -˜wonder' room.

He cleverly describes examples where, if there is a problem to be addressed, this is done through positive means rather than highlighting the issue. In other words he would support or arrange anything that would serve to develop self- esteem and a new found enthusiasm for learning.

In one chapter he outlines four types of leadership as fat controller, nurturer, gardener and corporate executive which all serve to illustrate that you can be any combination of these at any given time, but that you do not have to be a successful leader to fit a specific profile.

He captures the reader's interest in every chapter which encourages you to want to read on.
Guest | 28/06/2013 01:00
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