Product reviews for Imperfect Leadership in Action

Rt Hon Baroness Estelle Morris, former Secretary of State for Education

To produce two books focusing on imperfect leadership seems to be making a point, and there is indeed a message in the title. Steve Munby, joined this time by Marie-Claire Bretherton, builds on his first book and looks at how imperfect leaders manage real situations in schools. Both authors are successful in their field and are held up as examples of excellent practice, so the openness with which they admit to doubts is a powerful message to others that no one gets it all right and that perfection, though often demanded by others, is rarely achieved by anyone. 

People will recognise their own leadership successes and dilemmas in the case studies – and this reflection of reality is one of the book’s many strengths. We know that there are no easy answers to the many challenges that face school leaders, but too often we don’t encourage the skills or allow school leaders the space and time that they need in order to find the best possible solutions. The practical suggestions in this book, together with the examples of others, address this directly and effectively. Imperfect Leadership in Action will be a constant and reassuring guide for many in our schools. 

Bethan | 22/02/2022 13:49
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