Product reviews for The Distracted Couple

Roy Kern EdD, Scientific Professor, Dept. of Theoretical Psychology, Vytatus Magnus University, Lithuania, Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Counseling and Psychological Services, Georgia State University, and Co-Editor of The Journal of Individual Psychology
The Distracted Couple is much more than a commentary on ADHD and couples. It is more a journey into our own potential signs of imperfection referred to as ADHD. This is not just a book on ADHD but is in so many ways cutting edge research on the topic and treatment strategies that could and can be used in a number of different settings including therapy, parenting, coaching, teaching, and for the reader's personal growth. Congratulations to Drs. Maucieri and Carlson for carefully integrating science with application.
Guest | 15/01/2014 00:00
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