Product reviews for There is Another Way

Mary Myatt, adviser and inspector
I got a huge amount out of this wide-ranging book. I think others will too. It's full of wisdom and great insight. There is Another Way is a compilation of the thoughts of some of our top thinkers on pedagogy, politics, research, curriculum, coaching, mental health, restorative practice, behaviour and values. It starts with a terrific list of aspirations for all of us in education.

There are some absolute gems: -˜ 'You'll need this for the test' does little to develop genuine engagement with, and for, learning. It might get children sitting quietly and getting on with their work but then so does colouring in.'

On the importance of libraries: -˜A librarian is rather like an informational AA man - they can help you and, if they can't, they'll know a man who can. Or a woman. Or a book. Or a website. Or a database. Or a blog. Or an app ...'

On the thoughtless use of pre-prepared PowerPoints: -˜Think of them as some sort of USB-Hoover with which your humanity, charisma, humour and all the other hard won attributes that make you a great teacher are sucked out of you, and you are left standing in front of a class, reading someone else's PowerPoint and wondering where it all went wrong.'

It's well worth getting a copy. It will refresh your thinking.
Guest | 16/03/2018 00:00
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