Product reviews for A Curious Curriculum

Dr Kate Chhatwal, OBE, Chief Executive, Challenge Partners

Refreshing in its honesty and humility, A Curious Curriculum is a comprehensive resource for any school or trust leader looking to improve their curriculum. Rightly proud of Olympus Trust’s curious curriculum, the authors nevertheless do not present it as a blueprint for others to follow, rather as evidence of the depth of thinking and planning that characterise their approach to the foundation subjects. The real value of this book is in how it describes one trust's journey in navigating the snakes and ladders of curriculum development. Readers are invited not to 'drag and drop' the curious curriculum developed at Olympus, but to learn from how it was done, what worked and what was difficult. It was a joy and an education to see beneath the bonnet of such a considered and coherent approach to curriculum.

Lester | 06/10/2022 12:59
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