Fidelity, The Journal for the NCP, Spring 2010
This book is a transcription of a four day workshop, conducted by Robert Dilts and Steven Gilligan. I was, at first, under the impression that the Hero's Journey of the title was mostly based on a variation of Parts Therapy but, reading further into the book, I realised that what the authors were using was actually much more than this.

As students, they both trained with Milton Erickson, Bandler and Grinder and Virginia Satir and the Hero's Journey is based very much on Virginia Satir's method of using psychodrama with some of the families she was helping. Each session begins with an explanation of the process, a demonstration, by the authors, of what the session entails, followed by work with volunteers from the delegates on the workshop.

Each part of the Journey is acted out, incorporating many NLP techniques and with tots of humour from both leaders. For some people, especially those who are primarily kinaesthetic, using this method will bring home the necessity for change much more strongly than, , say, a session of hypnotherapy or other technique which relies on the client's imagination.

I found the book very interesting and entertaining and I think many therapists, especially those who work with groups, will find it a very useful addition to their library.
Guest | 03/10/2016 01:00
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