Welcome to our #BookOfTheWeek the GCSE and A Level Mindset student workbooks!

04 July 2018

Our #BookOfTheWeek this week are the GCSE and A Level Mindset student work books! The past week they have been flying off the shelves (or pallet)! Check them out! 

The GCSE and A Level Mindset student workbooks accompany 'The GCSE Mindset' and 'The A Level Mindset' books. Why not discover them both further now! 

Learn a bit more about Steve Oakes and Martin Griffin the brilliant authors of our #BookOfTheWeek.

The authors of our #BookOfTheWeek are also publishing 'The Student Mindset' this year! Keep your eyes peeled or pre-order our copy here now.

You can also head on over to our Twitter and Facebook platforms for more information on our #BookOfTheWeek!

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