The ultimate guide to help people cope with the stresses of modern-day life, Peace of Mind is a Piece of Cake contains relaxation techniques and exercises for immediate and lasting relief. The authors give clear explanations as to why stress is not necessarily a negative concept, and how everyone can best respond to stress in their everyday life.
Chapters cover:
- what is stress?
- stress in your life
- using stress positively
- relaxation techniques
- tips and strategies
- taking charge
- dying for work
- self-help and exercises.
Michael Mallows was a management trainer and consultant and a psychotherapist with a background in transactional analysis, co-counselling, neuro-linguistic programming and enneagram analysis. He also recorded a series of relaxation audiotapes and designed typecasting workshops for anyone involved in creating fictional characters.
Joseph Sinclair has been a member of the Institute of Transactional Analysis, the International Co-counselling Community and the Institute of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. He is a member of the Association for Humanistic Psychology and editor of the Independent Practitioners Network Newsletter.
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