Product reviews for Leadership for Tomorrow

Professor Chris James, Department of Education, University of Bath
Leadership for Tomorrow is an excellent book that weaves together an innovative and invigorating set of ideas and places them securely in a wider context. It guides the reader through some complex and unexplored terrain in a very straightforward and helpful way, and brings the voice of school leaders to the fore to illustrate and add to key points. The authors' analysis is sharp and clever and will provide even the most experienced practitioners and researchers with new insights.

But above all, Leadership  for Tomorrow conveys a refreshing sense of optimism without being naive in what it says. It critiques without being gloomy and negative, respects and acknowledges history without being mournful about its passing, and builds on teachers' and school leaders' natural desire to do good work. Significantly, the authors paint a picture of the future as one of possibility and opportunity in which schools and school leaders have a very important part to play. 
Guest | 24/10/2017 01:00
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