An interesting look at hypnosis to view altered, or what Ronald A Havens classes as cosmic states. The author justified his choice of words on a regular basis, which was a little off putting, yet his comparison of the conscious mind being "like a ten-story bank of television sets" really struck a cord with me. I do feel that the reader needs some understanding or experience of hypnosis and energies to get the best out of this book. I found the authors views on the conscious mind and unconscious mind very easy to understand and enjoyed his descriptions of the feelings of oneness during these cosmic consciousness states and how they can be used to help clients in a very practical way. He has included some experiences that his clients have had and how it's helped them. The hypnosis scripts at the end of the book were intriguing and 1 could see how you could personalise them, although you would need to either put them down on a tape/CD for self hypnosis or enlist someone to read them for you. On the whole an interesting read for anyone wishing to have a down to earth look at the conscious and unconscious mind and looking at alternative language to achieve altered states.