Product reviews for Imperfect Leadership

Professor Becky Francis, Director, UCL Institute of Education

Are good leaders born or made? In Imperfect Leadership Steve Munby argues that good leaders recognise they are imperfect, and that it's through this recognition and consequent openness to learning that good leadership is built. Steve is reflective and honest throughout, providing a compendium of tried-and-tested ideas and tips on how to maintain clear-headed, context-aware, ethical leadership. And as he shares eye-opening stories and incisive analysis of education policy, we are treated to a wealth of long-developed expertise and a robust evaluation of the English school system. Ultimately, Steve exemplifies and charts how to accomplish what we all want - to thrive as successful, judicious leaders, while remaining decent people.

Imperfect Leadership is a book for those considering, or already involved in, the hard and challenging task of leading organisations. Emerging leaders will gain wisdom, advice, encouragement; more experienced leaders will find sustenance and reinvigoration.

Guest | 08/05/2019 01:00
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