Humanising Teaching Magazine
This charming book is a pleasure to hold and to read. It is beautifully presented. It feels like a 19th century book of poetry rather than a book on methodology presenting sound research. Normally I don't write about book prices but the price of '£10.99 for this publication is really good value for money. The book focuses on “using music to improve memory, motivation, learning and creativity”. The chapters in the book focus on using music for learning, for relaxation and calm, for motivating, stimulating and energising, and finally for reaching an outcome. Each chapter gives some theoretical background, sample activities, a list of sample musical pieces to use and a summary of main points to remember. The book is deeply rooted in Suggestopaedia, Accelerated Learning and Brain Gym and is aimed at teaching in general not just EFL. The choice of music is supported by research on the effect the given type of music has on the human brain and there is the BMP ( Beat Per Minute) justification for each selection. I particularly like the ideas for using songs for Special Educational Needs (SEN) students who have speech problems like stammering and stuttering. The author also warns about choosing the right kind of music and in doing so the need to consider many factors. When you read the book you may feel that from now on the classroom should be filled with music. Yet there is a word of warning: ” silence can be golden and if you play the wrong music at the wrong time” you can go seriously wrong. I wish there was a CD that came with it. It seems that the book is aimed mainly at teachers of young learners but it is universal applicable to all age groups. Teachers who read it will also learn a lot for themselves as human beings as well as professionals.
Guest | 13/12/2009 00:00
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