Product reviews for Beyond Wiping Noses

Adam Boxer, Head of Science, The Totteridge Academy
Amongst the clamour and noise surrounding cognitive science, evidence-based practice and knowledge-rich curricula, little to no mention has been made of the pastoral dimension to education. Despite the slow emergence of the academic side of teaching into the light of research and evidence, pastoral work seems rooted in folk wisdom and gut instinct. This remarkable work by Stephen Lane bridges that gap, tying together these different worlds in a clear and well-researched book. Lane's breadth of reading is truly impressive, and he writes with authority on a range of thinkers and academics, distilling with ease ideas from Foucault, Biesta, Kirschner, Counsell and more. 

Beyond Wiping Noses should be the starting point for everyone involved in pastoral work - and, accepting the argument that Lane makes from the outset, that means all of us.
Guest | 30/07/2020 01:00
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