Youth in Mind Website
Written from the very honest perspective of a family who have recently lost a mother and a wife, the Little Book of Bereavement for Schools provides a very concrete and concise set of guidelines for school professionals to bear in mind when trying to support a bereaved child in the school. The authors, Ian Gilbert and his three children (all at different stages of education), reflect on their bereavement and how this was dealt with by their different schools. The suggestions made are sometimes blunt but honest and they successfully highlight the importance of talking to the child and finding out how they would like to be treated at school at such a difficult time. The anecdotes shared with the reader are personal and emotional, and they provide a strong sense of reality towards an issue that can so often be swept under the carpet at school. The Little Book of Bereavement for schools is a short, easy to read, helpful book that anybody working in a school should take time to read and reflect on.
Guest | 15/02/2011 00:00
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