David Hodgson's Personality in the Classroom has helped me to appraise my own learning preferences. As a direct result I have modified my teaching style to forge stronger relationships with my students. His work has helped explain why some students embrace independent learning tasks whilst others need more support and encouragement to undertake them. Also, why some students crave an opportunity to discuss the topic they are working on whilst others literally groan at the prospect.
I have since modified the teaching activities I use to introduce more role play and I've used a mock trial to add variation and fun. The students were very positive about this. In some instances I have used differentiated learning tasks but with the same core content. Introducing choice can increase cooperation and can have a positive effect on behaviour management, if this is an issue. I have also modified the assessment feedback I give to personalise it as much as possible and to tailor targets to fit the individual. Some students have remarked that they have found this particularly useful.
Finally, I have set up a mentoring group to encourage peer group learning. David comments on how effective peer group learning can be in improving a learner's motivation and achievement. Setting up this group has improved my relationship with the learners. We meet at lunchtimes and the students have a chance to discuss topics more informally and learn from other students nearer their own age.