Product reviews for The Kindness Principle

Kiran Gill, CEO, The Difference
I'm asked regularly, -˜What should teachers and leaders learn and replicate from the schools in challenging circumstances who succeed with the most complex children?' Now, finally, there's a book to answer that question.

In The Kindness Principle Dave takes us on a -˜25-year learning walk' with a coherent philosophy of education, a characteristic humility and a sound grounding in neuroscience. Whether it's practical insight
into micro-structures and de-escalation, new knowledge on neurochemicals needed for learning, or the emotional resonances of tricky situations recounted with students and staff, the book shares a lot of powerful learning for educators and leaders at all levels.

And amongst it all, the best thing about reading the book is feeling quite a lot like one of Dave's pupils: safe, in the presence of someone who knows what they're talking about on behaviour management and school
culture; seen, amidst the stories which resonate with your own classroom challenges and the questions which prompt you to reflect on your own values and practice; and smarter, as you shut the book with a new set of tools and perspectives at your disposal.
Guest | 26/03/2021 00:00
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