Product reviews for My School Improvement Doodle Book

Rosalind Wilson Cert.Ed. Dip.Ed. M.Ed, Developer of Big Writing, Education Consultant, C/O Andrell Education Ltd.
I am so glad my preference is to read hard copy when reading text for the first time!
I had only turned two pages of this inspirational and provocative resource, when my pen was in my hand and I was doodling...inserting...adding...scribbling...
-˜Spot the Difference?' Which am I? Where are you? Does it matter? Do we care?
So how do we solve this puzzle? Square the circle? Back to the first set... How can one size fit all? And I was away...
That was MY journey. Your journey will be different, for sure, but a journey will be made. It will be YOUR journey. Where will your journey take you?
This -˜book' will challenge you, mystify you, make you laugh, cause you despair... it will take you on a -˜period of reflection' -” ONE DOODLE / THREE NOTES AT A TIME!
And you will wonder how you could have made that journey without it.
Or even - IF you would have made that journey without it.
Guest | 06/09/2012 01:00
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