Eimer and Hunter have produced an afternoon's read that contains a professional lifetime of knowledge. Their concise exposition on Hypnotic Regression Therapy offers the novice and experienced practitioner insight, theory and method. The frequently misunderstood and misrepresented modality is re-established in an easy read as a valid and meaningful therapeutic intervention. This is accomplished by divesting it of its fallacies and misinterpretations. Particularly refreshing and welcome is their section on the ethics of using regression therapy. It offers guidance for a therapy that has been mired with a calamitous past. The contentious issues of past lives and UFO abductions have been handled with erudition. Neither topic is allowed to overwhelm the book. Rather both topics are relegated to the list of issues with which patients will present. Eimer and Hunter give the reader tools to handle them when they are confronted. All clinicians using hypnosis are encouraged to read this work whether as an aide to manage unanticipated spontaneous regressions or as a ready reference for intentionally planned therapy. One's knowledge of clinical hypnosis is incomplete without the foundation of HRT that the authors impart.