Dr Dylan Adams, Senior Lecturer in Education, Cardiff Metropolitan University

Dr Alexia Barrable’s book is not the first that aims to address our deteriorating relationship with the other-than-human world. But not many books manage to both inspire and educate in the way that this one does. Dr Barrable draws the reader effortlessly into the depths of thought needed without using jargon or overly complicated narrative. It is a text that will be useful to teachers, lecturers, students, parents, carers and anyone who would like to learn more about how and why we should help our children feel more connected to nature. Drawing on her vast experience as a teacher, lecturer and mother, and as the daughter of a committed naturalist, Dr Barrable delivers expert advice on how we can help children cultivate a love for the natural world. Her key message is that we cannot connect to nature just by being in contact with it. She shows how empathy and compassion need to be nurtured whilst also referencing a range of published research that demonstrates the significance of an improved relationship with nature. It is the combination of tried and tested practical examples, linked to relevant academic research, that makes this book such a gem for educators and anyone interested in igniting and developing children’s love of nature. The book is organised around common educational themes, using accessible case studies as examples, so that the reader may dip in and out or follow the coherent linear path from start to finish. Perhaps most importantly, it is a book that calls for action. Not in a desperate short-term rush to solve a crisis-type plea, but rather an optimistic calling that confidently leads the reader to follow nature’s natural pull. A serious topic and a joyful read that any teacher would be grateful for.

Lester | 22/09/2022 11:58
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