Product reviews for The Mindful Teacher's Handbook

Jane Barnes, Deputy Headteacher – Teaching and Learning and CPD, Manchester

Kamalagita’s vast experience as a mindfulness trainer, teacher of young people and collaborator with schools on their mindfulness journey means that she is in a unique position to write this accessible guide to a more spacious life. 

The combination of research-based evidence and personal testimonies from teachers and school leaders, along with the raft of practical exercises that can be implemented immediately, make this a powerful educator’s handbook for our troubled times. 

If you allow Kamalagita’s empathetic voice to speak to you as you enter classrooms and walk along corridors, as I have done, I am confident that you will quickly feel that working life and home life are both more manageable and enjoyable. 

Over-committing, being overwhelmed and negative self-talk are familiar patterns in our high-pressure environment. Kamalagita’s easily learnt techniques are a lifeline that remind us we are not alone in experiencing or dealing with stress. They provide quick fixes, as well as the opportunity for more sustained change to work–life balance. 

Whether you are new to teaching, a hardened professional with many years of experience, a classroom assistant or a senior leader, this book has something for you. Kamalagita gives us permission to recognise that we are all human and that we share many more of our common day-to-day experiences than we might like to think. 

I hope that Kamalgita’s case studies and work with strategic leads inspire teachers and leaders to take up the challenge of making their schools more mindful for students and staff. The evidence presented is clear – there will be a positive impact for individuals, institutions, families and society. 

Lester | 10/10/2022 16:42
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