Product reviews for Parklands

Shona Randle, recently retired headteacher of an inclusive primary school

Chris Dyson was compelled to write this book when his school was inundated with visitors wanting to find out more about the school and its journey to outstanding. Chris invites you to share his journey of school improvement and this reader happily took up that invitation. 

The foreword has a great story demonstrating the focus on the deep care the adults have for the children which makes the Parklands magic. Each chapter carefully unpicks all the complex elements that make a school and explains the Parklands way to do it by carefully summarising the Parklands fundamentals for each element. SEND is not a huge section nor discussed in any detail. Rightly so, as Parklands has inclusion in action, with each child valued and supported to achieve in their own way. The passion and love that Chris has in abundance comes shining through to the reader. Chris succinctly describes the time when the school and a new headteacher are aligned and then the intangible magic begins to happen. This could be a handbook for new school leaders, with lists of resources, contacts and strategies interwoven throughout the narrative.

Chris guides us on how to successfully handle local/national media and social media platforms. He also explains his ways for engaging companies to improve funding streams and how that funding is used for the benefit of the children. Not all school leaders are made in the same mould as Chris, but they will enjoy reading and celebrating the dedication of the staff at Parklands in improving children's outcomes.

Ella | 04/01/2023 11:59
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