Product reviews for Conceptual Maths

Dr Anne Davis MSET QTLS, InTuition magazine

I liked the idea behind this book as soon as it landed on my doorstep.

As a maths teacher, I am always looking for new ways to help my students learn, and regularly go back to the basic concepts to build up an understanding of the processes required.

The idea of teaching about the background concepts of maths, rather than just ‘doing’ maths, is the fundamental goal of this book.

It contains lots of explanations supported by established and sound models, and demonstrated with excellent examples.

This book is big but well structured and organised into chapters based on the main areas of study.

It is clearly aimed at educators rather than students – but there is no reason why parents or older students could not benefit from it themselves.

It is aimed at all stages of education and would be a useful resource for any further education (FE) maths teacher – especially where working with learners who have struggled with maths GCSE or functional maths.

The author is an experienced teacher and presenter who is clearly passionate about education and the mastery of his subject. While this book has clear links to the author’s previous publication, it is a very useful resource.

Bethan | 22/06/2023 12:39
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