Product reviews for Conceptual Maths

Dr Ray Huntley, EdD, MA, BEd, NPQH, MCCT, CMathTeach Mathematics Education Consultant and Author

Conceptual Maths by Peter Mattock is one of the most powerful texts on the teaching of mathematics that I have ever seen. As a young trainee teacher, I regarded my ‘maths bible’ as being ‘Primary Mathematics Today’ by Shuard & Williams, but if I was going to recommend a tome on which to base my learning in the 21st century and all that the mathematics curriculum demands, Mattock’s opus magnum would undeniably be the one to choose.

In an age when there are many books available on ‘how to teach maths’, or ‘mathematical knowledge for teachers’, Peter Mattock uses his own extensive knowledge and experience to bring everything together in a book which should be a ‘given’ on the reading lists for pre-service teachers and a must for every primary staffroom and secondary mathematics department. 

Bethan | 22/08/2023 13:27
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