Karolyne Williams, Head of Coaching, The South African College of Applied Psychology (SACAP)
I found the book very accessible -” the language is easy to understand and concepts are communicated clearly and efficiently (not laboriously). This makes it an enjoyable read. I was surprised to find that it extended not only to supervising coaches who are learning their skills (similar to a counseling context) as I expected, but also to the supervision of employees within the workplace. Upon reflection, why of course it would be highly beneficial to conduct such conversations in a similar fashion -” empowering through adult learning principles - and it is great that the book is able to give attention to both. For our context, I think at times it may be a bit confusing for our supervisors being mindful of both types, as certain language is less applicable within our educational context (HR supervisor, Line Manager etc), .), because they are supervising students, but I do not see this as a major problem.
Helpful illustrative examples are given, along with author's notes, transcript examples and personal case studies. The reflective spaces are good (where the reader can jot down some thoughts in response to a question) and more could be included.
Some excellent exercises are given -” very practical. There are also many offerings of encouragement that are valuable e.g. “Sometimes just doing enough with the resources we have is highly effective. We do not need to be perfect. We couldn't hold back the river that day but no matter; by slowly and patiently working out what we could do we had an excellent result”.
The chapter around the Supervisee is a valuable one, one that could even be elaborated on -” it is quite short.
Excellent questions are shared as well as models and tools that I think our team would find useful.
I will get a copy of this for our library and will consider getting a copy for each of our coaches involved in supervision.
Guest | 10/03/2014 00:00
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