Product reviews for Guerrilla Teaching

Tim Taylor, teacher
This is a book you will enjoy reading. It's full of humour; stories about teaching, stories about students, and jokes. There are plenty of great ideas about teaching and learning too.

It takes real talent to write breezily for 200 pages, and Jonathan Lear manages it without becoming cloying and facile. This is a book with quality and substance behind the humour. 

Lear's central metaphor is the guerrilla teacher, not the hairy kind who eat bananas - although there are plenty of these - but the kind who stir things up, go against authority and make things happen. 

Being a guerrilla teacher doesn't sound like an easy option in these days of Morganite-micromanagement and I can't see this book being bought on mass for the staff of Ark'ham Academy, but for the rest of us, hiding in the jungle, it's a valuable manual to keep tucked in our rucksacks. 
Guest | 27/07/2015 01:00
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