Aspire Therapy Online
Suppose tonight, while you slept, a miracle happened ...

When you awoke the following morning _ you found that all your problems were magically resolved.

What would your life look like? What would you be doing, thinking or feeling? How exactly would you know that a miracle had occurred?

These are some of the questions posed in The Miracle Question written by Linda Metcalf and published by Crown House Publishing, which advocates a 'solution focused approach' to our problems _ but what does this actually mean and how can it help us?

We often feel so overwhelmed by our problems that we can't see the wood for the trees. We may know we are not happy and that our lives are not the way we would like them to be _ but we lose sight of what we really want.

We can so easily get caught up the tangled mess of a situation or even in the shadow of past situations, that we find it impossible to envisage a solution to our problems. When this happens, we remain 'stuck', unable to find a way forward.

Solution focused approaches to problem solving, such as The Miracle Question provide us with creative and highly effective techniques that allow us to break this negative pattern of thinking. They encourage us to focus on our future _ on what we really want, thrusting our minds into 'future tense', and by doing so, releasing us from the 'shackles' of a complicated or problematic situation.


After all, we can't begin to make the necessary changes if we are confused about the way we want our life to be. We must have a clear sense of direction or we lose our way. Once we are able to envision the future that we want, we can then work backwards, identifying specific steps to get us to our destination.

The Solution Focused approach also emphasises the positive resolution of a problem. It does not allow us to merely regurgitate our worries and woes _ like we so often do with our friends _ simply going round and round in circles, without ever arriving at a decision or a plan for improvement.

Often used in both therapy and Life Coaching, solution focused techniques, can radically alter an individual's perception of a problem, initiating a powerful and positive mind-shift which yields practical results.


Also central to this approach, is the belief that individuals already hold the 'pass key' to their own solutions _ they just don't know it! Solution focused techniques can help unlock even the most complex of dilemmas, simply by facilitating the individual's ability to 'look within' and shift their view of a particular situation, person or problem.

In other words, we already know what we really need and want, but we lose touch with our own innate sense of inner wisdom, often feeling confused and helpless.

This approach gives us back our power. It assumes that we know better than anyone else, exactly what we need and encourages us to take responsibility for our own lives.


The highly imaginative, practical and simple techniques proposed in The Miracle Question can transform a person's thinking - liberating them from the draining demands of a seemingly impossible problem and providing the key for introducing the changes necessary for improved living and relationships.
Guest | 25/04/2007 01:00
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