V M Mathew Professor V. M. Mathew MBBS, DTM&H, DPM, MRCPsych, M.Phil
Mind, matter and life are the three distinct factors that constitute human beings with inconceivable possibilities, of which Ego forms a crucial part. Ego determines whether he becomes his own creator or destroyer. In him are found both evil and virtue, both criminal tendencies and saintly characteristics. He may either be a blessing or a curse to himself and others. Thus the good old saying, “some are wise and some are otherwise.” Ego State Therapy by Gordon Emmerson incorporates Hypnotherapy and presents innovative techniques of working with Ego States. The theories of Ego State and the practical methods illustrated in this book will enable the reader to master the therapy with ease and thus to harness his own resources. This book will be a very valuable addition to the subject of Ego State Therapy.