Product reviews for Metaphoria

Jacquelyne Morison, Course Director of Jacquelyne Morison Hypnotherapy Training and author of Analytical Hypnotherapy Volumes 1 & 2 and The Truly Dynamic Therapist.
Metaphoria: Metaphor and Guided Metaphor for Psychotherapy by Rubin Battino provides the magic mix for all Ericksonian and NLP practitioners with a thoroughly detailed appraisal of language patterns, rapport building, effective client-communication and feedback-monitoring.
Rubin Battino scrutinises the metaphor as a supremely inspiring, enlightening and healing story and as a tool which will stimulate the client's imagination in an optimum way. The author discusses the power of the metaphor to alter the client's unconscious perception by defying the logical boundaries of the conscious mind and thereby rendering metaphorical imagery as the supreme learning and therapeutic device.
At the outset the author stresses the importance of delivery of the metaphor with -˜precise use of vague language' thereby underlining the non-logical, open-ended and non-specific value of such a methodology with the practitioner evolving as the ultimate storyteller. When relating the metaphor, it is vital that the therapeutic storyteller relay the message with insight and personal authenticity in order to allow the client to grasp and integrate the deeper structure, rather than merely the surface structure, of the inherent meaning. By this means the true therapeutic purpose of the metaphor will be achieved by allowing the client to interpret the message according to his own unique reality.
Metaphoria provides a comprehensive guide to the history and development of the metaphor and guided imagery. Rubin Battino also discusses the application of generic metaphors, thematic metaphors, embedded messages and client-tasks based on metaphoric material. The practitioner can thus skilfully assist the client to resolve inner conflict utilising techniques for reframing and purposeful ambiguity. The practitioner will also be guided through the process of gathering information and of constructing a metaphor tailor-made for the client.
A large section of Metaphoria is devoted to extremely beneficial solution-focused techniques for reality checks, as-if situations, client-narrative assignments, creative art therapy, psychodramatic re-enactment and curative healing all of which incorporate metaphorical methodology rendering this work of even more value to the working professional in the therapeutic fraternity.
Guest | 27/01/2012 00:00
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