Product reviews for Manglish

Jackie Beere, Author and Trainer
Is your KS3 curriculum delivering real progress for students? Is it just a waiting room for GCSEs? Can we be bold and brave enough to create a curriculum that is engaging, challenging and really strengthens the core skills our children need for life and work?
Lisa Jane Ashes presents us with the ultimate -˜mash-up' that challenges our preconceived ideas about teaching subjects. We all know learning is about making connections and using skills across different contexts but we are all so much more comfortable teaching what we know and like. Lisa offers us a practical way to make those connections across subjects like maths and English which will most definitely enhance the flexibility of our learners and develop us as teachers. My own experience in implementing a project-based cross curricular curriculum at KS3 demonstrated the huge advantages to students and teachers of breaking down the barriers between subjects so that key skills could be more easily transferred.
In this book Lisa gives detailed schemes and lesson plans with Manglish mats for assessment of progress and good advice about how to manage the programmes. If we want to develop deep learning of the key skills of numeracy and literacy it has to be pervasive an embedded in every lesson. This book gives you the tools to ensure KS3 can embed those skills so that by the time students get to KS4 they have the core skills required to fulfil their potential. In addition, all teachers will be developing their own transferable skills and getting in the habit of making links to other subjects in their teaching.
The real world is not divided into subjects; students can see the relevance and value in seeing maths in geography and PE or English in science and art. This book will provide you with the resources you need to create an exciting 21st century curriculum that delivers core skills and truly engages students in the process of learning.
Guest | 13/06/2014 01:00
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