Teaching on a Shoestring has been reviewed!

Monday, 14 December 2020

The authors of the book are educators who have a very strong primary experience. As they say œWe take many everyday objects for granted and then they show how these objects can be given second live or many more lives when they are put to new uses. By doing so the authors offer exercises in lateral and divergent thinking, as well as develop creativity of teachers and their learners. It is important to use the real objects, so called realia, in the classroom as they relate the classroom experience to the outside world; one could say they are a kind of bridge. This approach also taps into the children™s natural, inborn creativity. In the playground we often see how kids find new ways how to play with everyday objects. On the pedagogical side the authors apply the See Think and Wonder Approach (STW) which gives the approach a clear structure used to enthuse, engage, challenge and ask questions. As for the objects used ¦ there is an A-Z: A for Apples, B for Bubbles, C for Cardboard Boxes, etc.¦ Finally using all these objects ˜things bright and beautiful™ in the age of plenty and abundance promotes the idea of sustainability, recycling and environmental protection. This book is not only a must for teachers, but also for parents and grandparents. I absolutely love it.

Read the review on the Humanising Languages website here.

Find out more about Teaching on a Shoestring here.

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