You™ll hear from experts from across the higher education and employment landscapes “ experienced voices offering information, advice, and guidance on a range of key topics, including:
- understanding the UCAS application process
- the many different options open to your students
- qualification changes likely to affect applicants
- exploring applications to HE, and uncovering the providers™ perspective
With over 200 teachers and advisers in attendance each year, this is a great opportunity to network and share best practice with those currently advising in a similar role, and facing the same challenges.
New for 2018 Don™t miss your chance to get the inside track on current post-18 opportunities for your students “ book now!
Opening times
- ˜Networking and nibbles™ - Meet representatives from a range of UK universities and colleges in an informal, early evening, networking environment.
- Facilitated discussions “ participate in delegate-led discussions on your topics of interest.
Mon 5 February 2018
Tue 6 February 2018
Who should attend? Contact us
- Teachers, tutors, heads of sixth form, head teachers, and advisers from schools and post-16 colleges.
- Careers advisers.
- Heads of student services.
For delegate and booking enquiries: 01242 544 808
here for more information on the event, such as, the agenda for both days and to book your place now!