The SecEd Podcast: Effective teaching for SEN

28 January 2021

Listen to the episode here. The following is taken from the SecEd website:

Hosted by Matt Bromley, this wide-ranging and practical discussion considers:

  • The principles of good teaching for SEN students.

  • Common barriers to success.

  • The implications for pedagogy.

  • The use of teaching assistants.

  • Models of intervention.

  • How we should work with families.

  • The SEND in Mainstream Schools Guidance.

  • Implementing the graduated approach (Assess, Plan, Do, Review).

  • Adaptive teaching (dispelling the myths of differentiation).

  • Cognitive Load Theory.

  • Masking, sensory overload, and making the curriculum and resources accessible.

Discover Natalie's books The Teacher's Guide to SEN and The Perfect SENCO.

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