Welcome to our #BookOfTheWeek 'The Collaborative Leader'

30 May 2018

Discover and purchase your copy of our #BookOfTheWeek 'The Collaborative Leader' by Ian McDermott and L. Michael Hallhere.

"Exceptionally well written and thoroughly ˜user friendly™ in tone, content, commentary, organization and presentation." Continue reading this fantastic review of our #BookOfTheWeek here now!

Our #BookOfTheWeek was a finalist in the business & economics category in the 2016 Foreword Indies Awards! Take a sneak peek inside the book here.

"This is a great book for anyone passionate about leadership, collaboration and innovation." Discover the 5* review of 'The Collaborative Leader' & purchase your paperback or kindle edition on Amazon here.

Why not take some time out of your day to discover a bit more about Ian McDermott and L. Michael Hall, the brilliant authors of our #BookOfTheWeek.

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