Some of our authors feature in Teach Secondary!

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Featured within this issue of Teach Secondary are:

David Didau - œIf you think you kow why the girls in your class consistently out pergorm the boys, guess what? You are almost certainly wrong¦

Vic Goddard - œYou can™t please all of the people, all of the time - but stop the press: as a school leader, it can sometimes feel impossible to please any of ˜em, ever¦

Andy Tharby - ˜The essential ingredients of great English teaching™.

Phil Beadle - ˜How to ACE comparative essay writing™.

Isabella Wallace and Leah Kirkman - ˜4 ways to make it work for you: ˜Best of the Best™ curators have some practical strategies to suggest™.

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